I really like to read. I like to read everything but unfortunately fiction novel is not my fav type of book but i, sometimes, read novel as well hehehe... Reading books could give me a chance to add some knowledges to my brain and.... hey have i ever mentioned before that, once, a friend of mine (who is apparantly a shrink) told me that we, as a human being, only use 1/3 part of our brain for our daily activities (hhmmmm.... i'll try to google it!). We need to do some exercises to sharpen our brain such as by reading, thinking, etc.
Recently, i bought i book (well it's a pocket book) and the title is "Hikmah Dalam Humor, Kisah dan Pepatah" by Abdulaziz Salim Basyarahil (in English it should be "The Wisdom in Humor, Story and Aphorism"). There is no chapters inside the book but it contains articles about many things. One of the article that i found very interesting is about the role of books. Below is the quotation from the book (it's in Bahasa Indonesia).
Seorang yang dikenal arif dan bijaksana, Ahmad bin Ismail berkata:
- Buku adalah teman bicara yang tidak mendahuluimu ketika kamu sibuk
- Tidak memanggilmu ketika kamu sedang bekerja
- Tidak memaksamu berdandan ketika menghadapinya
- Buku adalah teman kencan yang tidak menyanjungmu
- Sahabat yang tidak membujuk dan rayumu
- Dia adalah sahabat yang tidak membosankan
- Penasihat yang tidak mencari-cari kesalahanmu
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