Thursday, February 18, 2010

Format Ulang Hp Nokia

Untuk memformat ulang, sebaiknya sediakan
•    nomor kode kunci ponsel
•    ketersediaan baterai ponsel atau lebih bagus lagi dicharge penuh sebelumnya.

Langkah- langkah pemformatannya (untuk ponsel dalam keadaan hidup)

1.    Ketikkan kode *#7370# (kalau *#7780# untuk kembali ke pengaturan awal), pilih ya untuk konfirmasi.
2.    Masukkan kode kunci ponsel, bila masih standar kodenya 12345 untuk hape Nokia
3.    Ponsel akan direstart, tunggu beberapa saat sampai format selesai.

Jika ponsel dalam keadaan mati langkah-langkahnya yakni:
1.    Tekan tombol hijau (tombol dial/panggil), tombol angka “3? , tekan tombol tanda bintang (*), pagar (#), dan tombol power secara bersamaan.
2.    masukkan kode kunci ponsel. Tunggu beberapa saat, format akan berjalan.

Setelah proses selesai, ponsel akan kembali bersih seperti baru.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


MMmmm.... today was a very "hectic" day...
Meeting all team with Mr. S...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Regen und Weinen

Ok Es ist geregnet jetzt.. warummmm.. Gott... ich möchte zu hause gehen... so müde, langweilig, traurig... 

Regen shower von der Himmel wie mein Hertz.... traurig und ein wenig weinen.. niemand hier mir helfen kann!!!

Gott... was ist los mit mir? Ich möchte sprechen aber mit wem? bis jetzt ich suche die Anworte aber... 



Everything is so FrEaKiNg BoRiNg

The same BORING in different DAY...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Proximity Marketing

On today's meeting at the office, we discussed about our new project. Short story, it's about using and developing Bluetooth Technology in the Marketing Strategy... I found one marketing term which i never heard before, Proximity Marketing, and i was so curious about it! I googled it and i found the definition of it from the net...

Proximity marketing is the localized wireless distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. Transmissions can be received by individuals in that location who wish to receive them and have the necessary equipment to do so.
Distribution may be via a traditional localized broadcast, or more commonly is specifically targeted to devices known to be in a particular area.
The location of a device may be determined by:
Communications may be further targeted to specific groups within a given location, for example content in tourist hot spots may only be distributed to devices registered outside the local area.
Communications may be both time and place specific, e.g. content at a conference venue may depend on the event in progress.
Uses of proximity marketing include distribution of media at concerts, information (weblinks on local facilities), gaming and social applications, and advertising.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Teras Coffee

Last Tuesday, February 2nd, i got an invitation to attend the premiere of JINX (Indonesian film) at Pejaten Village Mall (PVM) in South Jakarta from a friend of mine. Well i'm not going to discuss about the film because .....

There is one thing that i really like about that day, COFFEE. I like to try new "coffee spot" (that's my term of coffee shop or coffee cafe or whatever the name is). Soon after i watched the film, i and my friends went to a coffee spot (well one of the friend is the freelance marketer of TERAS COFFEE) which is not far from PVM. Usually i order Moccha Coffee when i visit Coffee Spot and that's what i ordered in Teras Coffee.

Before i talk much about Teras Coffee, i have some tips when we want to visit a cafe :
1. Try to order what is best from the cafe.
     I recommend you to order what is best from the cafe (at this point, do not consider the PRICE.. hehehe try not to be a price sensitive person), if it is a Coffee Spot then we better order Coffee Menu (all about coffee), when we come to a Tea House then we should try all about Tea, etc. I had some "bad" experience when i come to some places but i ordered different menu out side of what its best, the result is the taste was unbelievable!!! (silly me). ok that is the PAST.

2. Look at the price
     After we taste what we order then we decide whether the price is right or not.

3. The place
    Place is also important! When we come to a Coffee Spot, we want to be relaxed and chit chat with friends so we must put the cozyness of the place into consideration.

3. Decide to come again or not
    After we taste the menu, the price and we feel the atmosphere of the place then we decide whether to come again or not.

Back to Teras Coffee... I ordered Moccha Latte. The taste is good, well to me there is one spot, that i think, serves the best Moccha Coffee... The price in Teras Coffee is not too expensive (compare to the spot that i like) and the atmosphere inside of the cafe itself is very accommodating for me to be relaxed!

Bravo Teras Coffee... (inbound marketing strategy!)